What is Reconciliation?
Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is the celebration of the forgiveness of our sins. When Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to His Apostles He promised, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained" (Jn 20:23). This Sacrament exercises the authority which Jesus left with the Church to grant the forgiveness of sins.
There are times in our Christian life when we become aware of how sin has separated us from God and others in our lives. We desire healing, restoration, and to be reconciled. In Reconciliation we recognize that Jesus has already conquered sin and can free us from the burdens we carry. Jesus' mission among us is to restore our relationship with God, and He continues this ministry by reminding us that no sin can keep God from loving us. All sins are vulnerable to God's forgiveness when we trust in His mercy.
How do we Celebrate this Sacrament?
To prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation it is useful to examine our conscience. This means to prayerfully recount our life and relationships to recognize where we have sinned.
There are many examinations which may be used, but these are helpful options:
Examination of Conscience for Adults (Detailed)
Examination of Conscience for College Students
Examination of Conscience for Children
This guide can be a useful if you have not been to Reconciliation for some time:
How to Go to Confession
Confession at St. Thomas Aquinas
Mondays (When ISU Has Classes)
Tuesdays (When ISU Has Classes)
10:00am –– 11:00am
Wednesdays (When ISU Has Classes)
Thursdays (When ISU Has Classes)
6:00pm –– 7:30pm
Saturdays (year round)
9:00am –– 10:00am
with Fr. Kyle or Fr. Casey
Communal Penance Services are also held during the seasons of Advent and Lent.